@ echo off rem rem This script is an example for running Delft3D-FLOW rem Adapt and use it for your own purpose rem rem edwin.spee@deltares.nl rem adri.mourits@deltares.nl rem 11 Apr 2011 rem rem rem This script starts a single-domain Delft3D-FLOW computation on Windows rem parallel rem rem When using mpich2 for the first time on a machine: rem Execute "smpd -install" rem rem rem Set the config file here rem set argfile=config_d_hydro.xml rem rem Set the directory containing ALL exes/dlls here (mpiexec.exe, delftflow.exe, flow2d3d.dll, mpich-dlls, DelftOnline dlls etc.) rem set D3D_HOME=D:\comp_delft_3d_bymagui\comp_6118\6118\src\third_party_open\mpich2 set exedir=%D3D_HOME%\flow\bin set libdir=%D3D_HOME%\lib rem rem No adaptions needed below rem rem Set some (environment) parameters set PATH=%exedir%;%libdir%;%PATH% rem Run rem start computation on all your local cores (2 for dual core; 4 for quad core etc.) rem note the flag "-localonly" which may be needed to avoid "Aborting: unable to connect to machinename.local" mpiexec -n 2 - %exedir%\d_hydro.exe %argfile% rem To prevent the DOS box from disappearing immediately: remove the rem on the following line pause