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The CSB and the Delft-FEWS community

Martin Ebel from the the Swiss Hydrological Forecasting Centre at the Federal Office of the Environment FOEN contemplates the role of the international Community Strategy Board (CSB) in the Delft-FEWS community.

Ever since it was first developed in 1999, the idea of Delft-FEWS has always been a software based on community needs and funding. Decisions on improvement and further developments have been triggered by the needs of the rapidly growing Delft-FEWS community. New functionalities have been financed by interested users and shared with the whole community.

In 2014 Deltares decided it was time for a major architectural redesign and developed a Delft-FEWS Vision for the year 2020 resulting in three roadmaps focusing on the most important developments. At this time, the International Community Strategy Board (CSB) was created to foster an even stronger connection with the community when making more strategic decisions. Deltares approached several experienced Delft-FEWS users to participate in strategic discussions and to reflect on and define priorities for Delft-FEWS strategic developments. Since then, the CSB has met three to four times every year, and its members contribute with critical feedback, open discussions and new ideas. Since its foundation, the CSB has intensely discussed the roadmaps leading to the current redesigned Delft-FEWS system, the resulting strategic orientation, sustained quality assurance, community funding options, and many more topics. It has also ensured a complete coverage of all Delft-FEWS application areas by inviting additional experts, while at the same time maintaining a stable and manageable number of members.

From the start, it was crucial to all participants that the CSB have a strong connection with the different regional user groups and act as a binding element to all interested Delft-FEWS users. For this reason, CSB members regularly present their recommendations at the regional and international user meetings and incorporate the new ideas and feedback they receive. Delft-FEWS users can also contact CSB members outside of these meetings, should they have any questions. Feedback from the meetings has shown that the work of the CSB has been widely appreciated by the Delft-FEWS community and helps to maintain and intensify a sense of connection. 

What can the CSB do for you?
The CSB meets three to four times per year and publishes its meetings on the Community Strategy Board Webpage. If you would like to see a certain topic addressed in the meetings or have additional questions, please bring this up with either Deltares Delft-FEWS Product Management or the CSB representative for your regional community.