
Community Supported Delft-FEWS

Community Supported Delft-FEWS

My name is Marc Philippart and I am responsible for the Dutch Forecasting systems of Rijkswaterstaat (RWsOS). These consist of 6 FEWS systems and some adjoining systems like Matroos Archive (becomes Open Archive).

User participation and community is very important for the success of a system. That yields for my own systems as well for FEWS as a whole. That is why I joined the Regional Content Creators and the Community Strategy Board (CSB).

A nice parallel to an almost same abbreviation occurs: CSA, Community Supported Agriculture. A system where (mostly Organic) Farmers work together with their Customers. Of course financing from consumer to producer takes place (in CSA often in advance). Special about CSA is that consumers help to make a crop plan (FEWS Roadmap, FEWS 2025), help in the garden (Testing), finding partners in co-creating (alliances), have special meeting days (FEWS User Days) and share their best pumpkin soup recipes (best practices). It is proven that CSA is profitable for both producers and consumers. So pick up you spud and share your favorite recipe!