
It is possible to create your own (Python) script which calls MorphAn functions. In this way is is possible to add your own functionalities to the MorphAn Gui, but it is also possible to use the available Pyhton script to extend the MorphAn functionalities.  Both the library for the Python scripts and the example scripts can be found in the Open Earth Tools of Deltares:

An explanation on how to join the OpenEarthTool is shown on:

The scripts are stored per MorphAn release. For every release there two types of scripts: the library and the examples. The scripts in the library contain Python functions, which call MorphAn functionalities. Thus, the scripts in the library act as an interface between the Python scripts and the MorphAn code. Based on functions in the library, the user can create there own scripts with MorphAn functionalities. The scripts in the example show some additional functionalities which are possible with the scripts.

How to use the scripts is explained on the how to use the scripts page. On this page the steps to use the existing scripts are shown. A tutorial on how to create your own scripts is given here and an overview of the existing scripts is shown on the example page.