New in Version 7.01





Source priority list: control of the generation of the source priority list with the control data file GenSrcL.dat in directory Fixed is extended with the option that sources can be skipped by specifying group index equal to 0.

Node type: natural lake node: the expected outflow of the natural lake can be smaller than the actual outflow. In the previous release this might result in negative flows.

Output: only the pumping nodes and groundwater abstraction links with an energy consumption bigger than 0.0 are listed in summary table 11.

Quick start guide: a new consistent collection of 6 training modules with each a separate topic. Each module covers several features of RIBASIM with exercises to be done by the user. The 6 modules and topics are:

1. Basics

2. Surface and groundwater reservoirs, and natural lakes

3. Fixed, variable and advanced irrigation

4. Scenarios, measures and strategies

5. Development and adaptation pathways

6. Flow composition and basic water quality

Instruction videos: 19 short new instruction videos are available for each exercise of the Quick start guide



Node type: Surface water reservoir partition node type becomes Storage partition node type

Node type: Storage partition node can be used for SW reservoir node and Natural lake node

Computation: operation on expected inflow improved (extra output parameters)

Computation: improved algorithm for reservoir operation simulation

Delwaq water quality modelling: improved water quality based on NepWLM and Delwaq

Output: daily result file for Storage partition node type if simulation is on daily basis like daily Sw reservoir and natural lake node result file

Output at SW reservoir node: operation of reservoirs on expected inflow improved (extra output parameters)

User interface: view daily simulation result files included in the user interface

Example models: for all modelling features example models provided

Some minor change: more consistency tests related to GW reservoir node and lateral flow link, water balance of natural lake node output, daily surface water reservoir result file, extra test of bifurcated flow link model data, water balance output of variable inflow node with Sacramento rainfall-runoff model, specification of certain parameters at control data of frequency interval post-processing program, His-file output of variable inflow node with Sacramento  RR model

Documentation: the Excel file "Overview of RIBASIM result output parameters R70124.xlsx" contains a detailed description of all potential 81 His-result files (time series result files). The file is available in the directory of the User manual.

Documentation: the Excel file "Mes files Chapter and property names per node and link type R70124.xlsx" contains all properties per node and link type which can be used in the measure Mes-files. The file is available in the Manuals subdirectory "Preparing measure Mes files".



Use of Intel Visual Fortran 2013.1.119 compiler

New node type: Natural lake node

New link type: Natural lake backwater flow link

Measures: site conditional reservoir operation

Measures: generalized time conditional measures (simulation of adaptation and development path ways)

Optimal operation of groups of parallel reservoirs: improved parallel balanced reservoir operation

Links: improvements to groundwater abstraction link (allow active / inactive)

Flow composition and basic water quality: improvements to computation

Node type: improvement of the (surface water reservoir) storage partition node type

Node and link types: improvements on inactive surface water reservoir nodes and sw reservoir backwater flow links

Data consistency: extra test on length of the crop growing period and source priority list

Data consistency: generation of fixed data file ExtWtDmd.da0 which can be used to replace fixed data file ExtWtDmd.dat

Training: new user instruction videos



Overview of model data tables: layout updated

Climate change scenario: values per parameter, per time series and per time step allowed

Measures: new property "Node name contains" and "Link name contains"

Probabilistic analysis: variable reset of initial status

Data consistency: improved checking of data validity for the used link and node types.

Measures: user defined coordinated reservoir management using new feature of site conditional measures

Measures: time conditional measures (partly, still in progress)

Measures: simulation of development pathways by use of time conditional measures (partly, still in progress)

Results: computation of annual average flow in Mcm and m3/s (optional)

Delwaq water quality modelling: improved coupling between water allocation, waste load and water quality process models

Daily simulation: simplified, time series on time step basis also accepted

Summary report: lay-out change

Operating system: Windows 10 Professional 32 bits supported



Probabilistic analysis: reset initial status with a reset period defined by user

Groundwater exfiltration time series: time series added to the hydrological scenario and linked to the Advanced irrigation node



Automatic update procedure: improved

Operating system: Windows 10 Professional 32 bits supported

Measures: at reservoir main gate and turbine gate can be set active

Summary report: lay-out change

Crop plan: automatic setting of data dimensions improved in case that agriculture scenarios is used.

Data consistency: improved checking of data validity for use of gw reservoirs and abstractions, extra tables at fish pond

Data consistency: improved checking of data validity for the used link and node types.

Time series files: determination of leap year is improved

Land-use and population scenarios: change values can be positive and negative.

Model data entry: Dataedit template updated

Computation: simulation of the variable irrigation node improved



Minor changes



Minor changes



Overview of model data tables: extra tables with demand in Mcm/ts and Mcm/year for public water supply and advanced irrigation nodes

Measures: property names changed

Error message: change

Computation: improved run time of simulation



Computation: improved run time of simulation

Computation: code improvements

Measures: improvement of the node and link name testing

Daily simulation: extra His-file with daily reservoir results including correct water balance.



Measures: correction of Fixed irrigation node measure for conveyance efficiency

Advanced irrigation node: water demand of Cropper improved

Advanced irrigation node: write Cropper results in separate His-resultfiles to be picked up by component Simproc if no feedback on field status

Overview of model data tables: change to groundwater efficiency

Advanced irrigation node: a separate component (Totplan) has been developed for the computation of irrigation water demand without feedback on field status  at the crop planning.

Advanced irrigation node: flood basin crop water demand computation updated at the crop plan editor (Cropper)

Measure: text of property names changed for fixed irrigation node

Case management tool: updated, different menus for models with and without advanced irrigation nodes



Minor changes



Minor changes



Case analysis tool: New version



Minor changes



Minor changes



Minor changes



Minor changes



Minor changes



Model data entry: Dataedit template updated of variable irrigation node (2 decimals at crop requirements)

Automatic update procedure:  prepared included within Ribasim 7.01 for Rbn- and Rbd-models (directories Update en UpdateDlw)

Case management tool: updated file Descprot.cmt to include file Qstatis.hia

New start: improved new start case at designing network under Netter

Minor changes



Advanced irrigation node: correction of flood basin cultivation area computation in Cropper and Simproc (Jira Ribasim issue 94).

Operating system: runs under Windows7

Advanced irrigation node: maximum number of defined crops increased to 100

Computation: improved simulation run time

Land-use and population scenario: direct link with Java spatial model JSM

Agriculture scenario: direct link with ASME model (Agriculture Sector model for Egypt)

Scenarios and strategies: specification of

  1. Climate change scenarios

  2. Agriculture sector scenarios (alternative crop plans)

  3. Land-use and population growth scenarios (land-use)

 4. Measure and strategies (management action, interventions)

Delwaq water quality modelling (Rbd - models):

  1. Specification of waste load scenarios

  2. Use of the Waste Load Estimation Module



User interface: update of title screen program RbmShell so it runs on Windows7 64 bits.

Delwaq water quality modelling (Rbd - models): new waste load model NepWlm.

Case management tool: updated file Descprot.cmt to include Hia-files voor NepWlm.

Results: computation of dependable flow  (program Discharge)

Measures and strategies definition files: added.

Land-use and population growth scenarios (land-use): link with Java Spatial Model (update of crop plan due to decreasing irrigation area)



Climate change scenario: added.



Case management tool: updated file Descprot.cmt for Rbd-model to include Delwaq and Nepwlm-related His- and Hia-files

Computation: sort the Demand node-Source node (DS) trajects of the source nodes within the same priority / preference group in Source priority list based on length: number of links in traject. This way the sources near the demand nodes are used first at the target setting phase of the simulation.

Automatic update procedure for Rbd-models: updated for Delwaq and Nepwlm system and scenario files.

Minor changes



Computation: dynamic memory allocation for all network elements in order to speed up Ribasim runtime

Delwaq water quality modelling: link with Delwaq in separate application: Rbd-directories

Operating system: works on Windows7 64 bits

Network design: no limitation on the number of nodes and links (dynamic memory allocation for all network elements).

Advanced irrigation node: maximum number of crops increased from 50 to 100

Computation: the nodes in the source priority list within the same priority group are put in the source priority list based on the length of the demand-source node route: the number of links in the route.  Now the sources near the demand nodes are used first.

Computation: the inactive source nodes in a source priority list are replaced by the source priority list of the inactive node. Now this updated list is also rearranged by applying the procedure outlined in the previous item.

Delwaq water quality modelling: link with Delft water quality process model Delwaq, specification of waste load scenarios and use of the waste load estimation model.

Scenario: specification of climate change scenarios (change in runoff, rainfall, evaporation)

Scenario: specification of agriculture scenario's (change in crop plan)

Scenario: specification of land-use and population scenarios (link with spatial planning)

Measures and strategies: explicitly definition of measures and management actions (strategies, interventions, combination of measures)

Results: flow statistics in post-processing: minimum flow, average flow, maximum flow, standard deviation, one or more dependable flow and simulated flow per calendar year

Results: Annual results for various parameters

Results: standard histogram for time step and annual output parameters

Results: cumulative distribution function for annual output parameters

Automatic conversion: RIBASIM model Version 6 to 7 conversion includes that a Water district node becomes a Variable inflow node, a Brackish fish pond node becomes a Fish pond node (program ClrDbase)